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“As Chief Marketing Officer of COTY, Inc., I worked with Ursula Buck who was Executive Director Product and Licences of ESPRIT for over ten years. Ursula proved to be a brilliant partner with COTY in creating world class fragrances and cosmetic for ESPRIT, which were marketed all over the world. Ursula’s understanding of business principles, distribution, and operations — combined with her sense of style, product quality, design, and the consumer — proved to be a great combination in creating a successful licensing business for ESPRIT. Ursula is a dynamic, results-oriented leader, who had a clear vision for her Brand, and could execute that vision with great precision, and with a great sense of quality. It was a great pleasure working with her.”

Stephen Mormoris
Chief Marketing Officer Coty , Inc.

„I´ve known Ursula for over 8 years in the capacity of a Brand Principal and a Licensor. My company benefited a lot from the experience and recommendations that Ursula made for our improvement in India. I was personally quite impressed with her knowledge of the business of Branding. She would definitely be an asset to any company in the Fashion and Lifestyle space that she would provide

Vishal Gurtu
General Manager at Beauty Concepts Pvt. Ltd.

„Die Zusammenarbeit mit Ursula Buck war für uns ein echter Gewinn! Sie weiß nicht nur durch ihr immenses Know-how im Bereich Fashion-/Lifestyle-Produkte und Licensing zu überzeugen, sondern auch durch ihre langjährige Erfahrung und ihr sehr gutes Händchen für Trends. Zudem ist Ursula Buck weltweit exzellent vernetzt und kann Projekte und Kooperationen schon allein durch ihre erstklassigen Kontakte beflügeln. Wer Ursula Buck als Beraterin an seiner Seite weiß, kann auf ihre unternehmerische Expertise vertrauen und auf ihre Loyalität bauen. Wir sind mit ihr jedes Jahr zweistellig gewachsen.“

Wilbert Slebos

`I have had the great pleasure of working with Ursula during her tenure at Esprit. Ursula is not only a great business woman with complete understanding of what it takes to make a profit, but also has a keen eye for fashion and trends. In my 40 plus years in the apparel business, I have met very few executives with both skill sets. I recommend Ursula highly.

Donald Levy
Presisent and Ceo Levy Group New York